Center for Climate Change at UDG actively involved in improving environmental governance in the Western Balkans

❗️Center for Climate Change of UDG🇲🇪 is a part of the project led by Institute for Good Governance and Policies in the Environment and Climate Change – Skopje (IPECC)🇲🇰 and financed by Оpens Society Foundations – Western Balkans, organised in the context of preparation for the upcoming Berlin Process Summit in October 2023 in Tirana.❗️❗️❗️

❗️Center for Climate Change of UDG is Rapporteur on the topic of “Good Governance in Environment” for all 6 Western Balkans countries (WB6) within the framework of the “Climate and Green Agenda”🍀, as part of the Forum for Civil Society and Think Tank Organizations for 2023 (CSF). ❗️ Good Governance in environment is a strongly relevant topic in acceleration of the path towards greener economies, implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, EU integration and acquiring climate neutral society.

❗️ IPECC in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of North Macedonia🇲🇰, organised “2023 Civil Society and Think Tank Forum Event for Climate and Green Agenda”, as a part of the recommendation preparation process of the Civil Society Forum (CSF) for the Berlin Process Summit in 2023, during which Director of the Centre for Climate Change of UDG, Ivana Vojinović presented Introductionary Paper “Good Governance in Environment”.

❗️ Event was organized to accelerate the process of greening economies and implement the Green Agenda, and most importantly to encourage the integration process of the Western Balkan countries in the EU.

Director of UDG’s Center for Climate Change Engages in Study Visit to Germany, Advancing Climate Resilience and Water Management Efforts

❗️Thanks to the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Podgorica🇩🇪, the director of the Center for Climate Change at UDG, Ivana Vojinović, participated in a Study Visit to the Federal Republic of Germany🇩🇪 on the topic of climate change🔥🌨️🌪️ and water🌊, upon invitation from the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized by the Goethe-Institut.

❗️Productive meetings were held at the Bundestag, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety, the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as presentations at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Cologne Wastewater Treatment Plant (StEB), Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management (IWW), and Research Institute for Water Management and Climate Futures at RWTH Aachen University (FiW e. V.).

❗️The visit and discussions with representatives of the municipality and rescuers from the Ahr valley, which was severely affected by the flood disaster in 2021, served as a reminder of the need for much more investment in combating climate change to strengthen the climate resilience of local communities.

❗️The transfer of acquired knowledge from🇩🇪 is important for contributing to the further journey of the Center for Climate Change at UDG 🇲🇪 towards 🇪🇺 and achieving climate neutrality and sustainable water management💧.