The director of the Center for Climate Change at UDG attended the Civil Society Forum for the Western Balkans

🟤 The Center for Climate Change at UDG was part of the project “Civil Society Organizations’ Obligations for Economic Integration of the Western Balkans into the EU,” funded by the Open Society Foundation for the Western Balkans and implemented by the Institute for Good Governance and Environmental and Climate Policy (IPECC). The center served as a rapporteur for all six Western Balkan countries on the topic of “Environmental Governance” within the thematic working group “Climate and Green Agenda🌲”.

📌 Director of the Center for Climate Change at UDG, Ivana Vojinovic commented for Pobjeda📰 on the European Commission 🇪🇺 Report for Montenegro 🇲🇪 on Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change

The previous two governments did not seriously engage with this chapter nor worked on fulfilling the final criteria, thus it remained stagnant at the level of results achieved in 2020. Instead of learning from the lessons of the previous two reports and seriously committing to implementing the recommendations, they were ignored – stated Ivana Vojinović

Dr. Ivana Vojinović served as a panelist at the Workshop on Just Transition.

🟤The workshop was organized by the Coal Regions in Transition Initiative for the Western Balkans and Ukraine. On this occasion, the conclusions of the project “Dialogues for a Just Energy Transition” 🪨⚡️🇲🇪 implemented by the Center for Climate Change at UDG, with the support of the Ministry of Capital Investments of the Government of Montenegro, were presented.

UDG’s Climate Change Center Joins Montenegro’s Innovation Efforts for Sustainable Energy and Environment

The Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources, and Energy at UDG has become a member of the second iteration of the Innovation Working Group of the Council for Innovation and Smart Specialization for the vertical priority area of Montenegro’s Smart Specialization Strategy: Energy and Sustainable Environment
🟤 This Working Group is part of the National S3 implementation framework, which enables the continuity of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP), supports the implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy in Montenegro 📈, and provides operational support to the Council for Innovation and Smart Specialization for the mentioned vertical priority area.
🔵 In addition to the vertical priority area of Energy and Sustainable Environment, two more have been established: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Value Chain 🥗 and Sustainable and Health Tourism 🏊🏻‍♂️, as well as Information and Communication Technologies 💻 as a horizontal priority area.