The director of the Center for Climate Change at UDG was a participant in a study visit on the topic “Risks of Corruption in the Environment in the Western Balkans Region – the Case of North Macedonia.”

🟡 This partnership event was organized by the Center for the Promotion of Civil Society (CPCD) – Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) – North Macedonia, and the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) – Albania as part of the SMART Balkans project – Civil Society for a Connected Western Balkans, financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway.
🔴 During the study visit, risks of corruption in the environment prevailing in the Western Balkans region were explored, with a special focus on North Macedonia, as well as best practices and lessons learned to help combat corruption in the region’s countries
🟡 Meetings were held with the Informal Green Parliamentary Group in the Parliament of North Macedonia, the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption, the State Environmental Inspectorate, the State Inspectorate, and lectures were delivered by representatives of the Center for Environmental Democracy “FLOROZON,” the Environmental Association “Vila Zora,” the Center for Civil Communications, and the Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers.