Interpretation of pictograms on chemicals and chemical products

❗️ Within the project “Knowledge about Chemicals towards a Sustainable Community,” we interpret pictograms on chemicals and chemical products. ♨️

🟢 The general objective of the project “Knowledge about Chemicals towards a Sustainable Community” is to reduce environmental pollution from chemicals by strengthening the role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in fulfilling obligations arising from the EU integration process. This will be achieved through youth education, providing initial inputs for decision-makers through well-structured research on the use and disposal methods of chemical products, as well as raising awareness about the dangers of this type of pollution.

Specialized workshop for 3 faculties at the University of Donja Gorica

❗️ As part of the project “Youth for Sustainable and Circular Textiles,” supported within the Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 – ReLOaD2, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP in partnership with local governments, fashion design professional Dr. Boris Ćalić conducted a specialized workshop for students from three faculties (Faculty of Polytechnics, Faculty of Design and Multimedia, and Faculty of Food Technology, Food Safety, and Ecology) at the University of Donja Gorica (UDG).

🟢 “Youth for Sustainable and Circular Textiles” is the first project in Montenegro addressing the issue of textile waste management and targeting young people who are the largest consumers of textiles and environmental polluters from this source.

Climate Change and Its Impact on the Western Balkan States in the Context of Security and Safety

❗️Director of the Center for Climate Change at UDG, Ivana Vojinović, was a panelist at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly within the 105th Rose-Roth Seminar held in Sarajevo. She spoke on the topic “Climate Change and its Impact on the Western Balkan States in the Context of Security and Safety.”

❗️The Western Balkans is among the most vulnerable regions in Europe to climate change, thus all Western Balkan states must work together to mitigate its impacts and adapt the region to a greener future.

During the panel focusing on climate change in the context of stability and security, alongside Ivana Vojinović, Lejla Šuman, Director of REC BiH, and Goran Svilanović, an international consultant, exchanged views on climate resilience, proactive engagement in policy, and sharing best practices. These are challenges that require long-term strategic thinking and action.

The seminar was organized in cooperation with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s Committee on Defense and Security and the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, receiving financial support from the Swiss Federal Department of Defense and non-financial support from the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF).

The event gathered 51 parliamentarians from 10 NATO allies and 6 parliamentary partners in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, as well as leaders from the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Parliament, regional and international experts, and representatives from local embassies.