Dr. Ana Lührmann, State Minister for Europe and Climate at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs 🇩🇪, visited the Center for Climate Change at UDG

❗️On this occasion, Minister Lührmann emphasized the importance of efforts made by the EU and especially Germany in achieving climate neutrality. As an important message, Minister Lührmann mentioned the conclusions adopted at the Climate Conference in Dubai in December 2023, where it was concluded that the entire world should transition from coal to renewable energy sources.

❗️Dr. Ivana Vojinović, Director of the Center for Climate Change at UDG, informed the minister that Montenegro🇲🇪 belongs to the European region most vulnerable to the consequences of climate change, and that there has been a 1.1°C increase in average temperature over the past 30 years. Vojinović pointed out the necessity for Montenegro to increase its climate ambition regarding greenhouse gas emission reduction from the current 35% to 55% by 2030, as well as to accelerate the adoption of the National Energy and Climate Plan, which should integrate the EU’s climate-energy framework by 2030.

🟢 The meeting was attended by Draško Boljević, Director of the Eco Fund, Nikola Vujošević, representative of the Ministry of Energy and Mining, and Jasna Sekulović from GIZ. The German delegation was represented by H.E. Peter Felten, Ambassador of Germany to Montenegro, Mareike Well and Frédéric Jörgens from the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Enis Čindrak from the German Embassy in Montenegro.

❗️Concluding her visit to the University of Donja Gorica, Minister Lührmann delivered a lecture to UDG students👩‍🎓👨‍🎓on the topic of climate change🔥💨 and the benefits that environmentally friendly lifestyles bring to EU citizens.🌲🌳