Dialogue to just transition in Montenegro

On behalf of the Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy UDG, director Ivana Vojinović, presented our Center and the project “Dialogue to a just energy transition in Montenegro”, which is supported by the Ministry of Capital Investments, and all as part of the “Dialogue for Just Transition” conference in Montenegro”. The conference is organized by: Government of Montenegro (National Council for Sustainable Development) and UNDP with the support of the Slovak Ministry of Finance and Slovak Aid, the Slovak Agency for International Development and Cooperation.

Photo from conference; Ivana Vojinović

The conference took place on February 28 and March 1, and was opened by:

  • Mr. Dritan Abazović, Prime Minister and Chairman of the National Council for Sustainable Development
  • mrs. Daniela Gašparikova, permanent representative of UNDP in Montenegro
  • Mr. Ynge Engstroem, head of the Cooperation Sector of the EU Delegation in Montenegro
  • Mr. Rajko Kovačević – President of the Municipality of Pljevlja

The term “just transition” implies the gradual elimination of the use of coal in a way that is as fair and inclusive as possible, creating opportunities for decent work and leaving no one behind, which is known today in Europe under the slogan “Leaving no one behind”.

Director of the Center, Ivana Vojinović, spoke for the morning program on RT Nikšić

Director of the Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy of UDG, Ivana Vojinović was a guest of the Morning Show on RT Nikšić. She was speaking on the topic of projects, that are implemented by Center, “Dialogue to a just energy transition in Montenegro”, which is supported by the Ministry of Capital Investments and “Adaptation and resilience of local communities to climate (LOCCAR), financed by the Western Balkans Fund and co-financed by the EU”.

Majda Radončić at the XIII business challenge

Majda Radončić, a junior researcher at the Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy of the University of Donja Gorica, participated in the XIII Business Challenge of Montenegro – a school of entrepreneurship and innovation for young people, which is traditionally organized at the University of Donja Gorica, organized by the Student Business Center.

Majda Radončić held a lecture on “Renewable energy sources and energy efficiency” as part of the Smart Specialization Strategy, pointing out the potential that Montenegro possesses in the field of renewable energy sources.

LOCCAR project

The Kick-off meeting of the LOCCAR (Local Communities’ Climate Adaptation and Resilience) project was held, which the Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy of the University of Donja Gorica is implementing with partners from BiH (Environmental Resource Center REC BIH) and of Serbia (Ambassadors of Sustainable Development).

LOCCAR is financed by the Western Balkans Fund (WBF) and co-financed by the EU under the IPA. The basic idea of ​​LOCCAR is to accelerate adaptation to climate change in the Western Balkans by strengthening the role of civil society organizations (CSOs).

Among other things, LOCCAR aims to establish regional cooperation in building climate resilience in the Western Balkans by raising the awareness of local decision makers about the impacts of climate change on local communities. The implementation of the project is based on the coordinated integration of climate change adaptation measures in the most vulnerable economic sectors in all three countries. With its results, LOCCAR will offer local decision makers sustainable solutions in the field of sustainable development.