LOCCAR project

The Kick-off meeting of the LOCCAR (Local Communities’ Climate Adaptation and Resilience) project was held, which the Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy of the University of Donja Gorica is implementing with partners from BiH (Environmental Resource Center REC BIH) and of Serbia (Ambassadors of Sustainable Development).

LOCCAR is financed by the Western Balkans Fund (WBF) and co-financed by the EU under the IPA. The basic idea of ​​LOCCAR is to accelerate adaptation to climate change in the Western Balkans by strengthening the role of civil society organizations (CSOs).

Among other things, LOCCAR aims to establish regional cooperation in building climate resilience in the Western Balkans by raising the awareness of local decision makers about the impacts of climate change on local communities. The implementation of the project is based on the coordinated integration of climate change adaptation measures in the most vulnerable economic sectors in all three countries. With its results, LOCCAR will offer local decision makers sustainable solutions in the field of sustainable development.

Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy of the University of Donja Gorica (CCCNRE) – winner of a regional grant from the Western Balkan Fund

The Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy of the University of Donja Gorica (CCCNRE) is one of the winners of the Western Balkans Fund regional grant within 5 calls for project proposals.

5 The call for project proposals is co-financed by the EU within the IPA.

CNRE is the leader of the LOCCAR regional project, while the partners are Sustainable Development Ambassadors from Serbia and REC from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The grant awarding ceremony was held in Tirana.

Waste game

The Director of the Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy of the University of Donja Gorica, Ivana Vojinović, participated in the IV International Polieco Forum on Waste Economy “The Waste Game”, which was held in Italy.

Ivana Vojinović spoke on the subject of plastic waste and pointed out that the EU has banned the use of single-use plastics from 2021 and that the use of other plastic products “for which there is no green alternative” should be reduced by 25% in to each state by 2025.

Plastic waste accounts for 70% of total marine waste.

Waste management infrastructure should be developed to avoid mismanagement of discarded plastics.

Current markets for secondary plastics do not function as well as they could, so Vojinović pointed out that new price incentives, technical possibilities and quality of secondary materials are needed.

The first step would be to increase the cost of landfilling plastic compared to the cost of managing plastic environmentally for the rest of its life cycle.

Achieving the goals defined in the European Strategy for Plastics in the Circular Economy requires significant investments, which are estimated between 8.4 and 16.6 billion euros.