Director of UDG’s Center for Climate Change Engages in Study Visit to Germany, Advancing Climate Resilience and Water Management Efforts

❗️Thanks to the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Podgorica🇩🇪, the director of the Center for Climate Change at UDG, Ivana Vojinović, participated in a Study Visit to the Federal Republic of Germany🇩🇪 on the topic of climate change🔥🌨️🌪️ and water🌊, upon invitation from the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized by the Goethe-Institut.

❗️Productive meetings were held at the Bundestag, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety, the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as presentations at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Cologne Wastewater Treatment Plant (StEB), Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management (IWW), and Research Institute for Water Management and Climate Futures at RWTH Aachen University (FiW e. V.).

❗️The visit and discussions with representatives of the municipality and rescuers from the Ahr valley, which was severely affected by the flood disaster in 2021, served as a reminder of the need for much more investment in combating climate change to strengthen the climate resilience of local communities.

❗️The transfer of acquired knowledge from🇩🇪 is important for contributing to the further journey of the Center for Climate Change at UDG 🇲🇪 towards 🇪🇺 and achieving climate neutrality and sustainable water management💧.

The Center for Climate Change UDG is the grantee of the Smart Balkans grant – Civil society for a connected Western Balkans

The overall goal of the SMART Balkans project is to contribute to the strengthening of participatory democracies and Euro-Atlantic integration in the Western Balkans through the empowerment of CSOs for a stronger and more active role in creating peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia

The grant awarding ceremony was held in Podgorica.
With the project “Knowledge about chemicals towards a sustainable community” in the following 9 months, the Center for Climate Change UDG will contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution by chemicals through strengthening the role of CSOs in fulfilling the obligations that Montenegro has in the process of EU integration.

Roundtable “The Road to a just energy transition of the municipality of Pljevlja”

On April 26th 2023,the Round Table was held in Pljevlja “The way to a just energy transition of the Municipality of Pljevlja” as part of the project implemented by the Center for Climate Change, which was supported by the Ministry of Capital Investments.

3 sessions were held:

1st Session: Plans of the mining and energy complex in the context of a just transition
2nd Session: Support programs for employees and the economy of Pljevlja in the process of a just transition
3rd Session: The role of civil society organizations in the process of just transition

  • The Director of the Center for Climate Change, Ivana Vojinović emphasized that Montenegro is obliged to align with the climate and energy goals of the EU.
  • Director General of the Ministry of Capital Investments, Sanja Pavićević, informed about activities on the preparation of the National Energy and Climate Plan.
  • The manager of the municipality of Pljevlja, Nataša Marković, welcomed the fact that the Center organized the Round Table in Pljevlja, because it is a topic that affects the fate of the citizens of Pljevlja.
  • Dušan Janjušević, president of the Board of Directors of A.D. Pljevlja, presented the company’s plans for the modernization of the technological process, the launch of a cement industry with low gas emissions, and what should help in the transition.
  • Veselin Sekulić, assistant of the executive manager of EPCG Production, introduced to the activities on the project of ecological reconstruction of the Thermal Power Plant and heating.
  • The director of the Eco Fund, Draško Boljević, presented the Fund’s projects and emphasized the necessity for municipalities to be more active in the use of funds.
  • Aleksandar Rakočević, assistant director of the Employment Office, highlighted active policies that should reduce the gap between supply and demand on the labor market.
  • Milorad Mitrović, director of NGO Breznica, recalled his organization’s many years of commitment to guarantee the right to a healthy environment for the people of Pljevlja.
  • Aleksandar Perović, director of the NGO Ozon, introduced the multi-decade activities of his organization to strengthen activism and informed about plans to strengthen the capacity of Arhus centers.
  • Presenting the publication, co-author Milica Daković pointed out that Pljevlja will be the “epicenter” of a just transition.

Memorandum of cooperation was signed in the area of ​​”ESG principles in corporate business and decarbonization”

The Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy of the University of Donja Gorica, AvantGarde Group and E3 Consulting Montenegro today signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of ESG principles in corporate business and decarbonization.

The memorandum emphasizes the importance of introducing the concept of social responsibility in the sphere of corporate business, carbon neutrality, incorporating ESG principles into the framework of business and making investment decisions, and that their application can create unique opportunities and competitive advantages for companies that seriously understand the issue of climate change and proactively promote carbon neutrality.

The advantages of applying ESG principles are: creating new value for customers, increasing company capitalization, reducing energy costs, increasing the competitiveness of products and services, access to “green” capital and attracting “green” investments, increasing social responsibility of business and employee motivation, as well as attracting and retaining the best staff, speeding up the EU accession process.

This Memorandum is one of the indicators and proofs of the dedicated work of the Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy of the University of Donja Gorica towards the improvement, preservation and promotion of the environment and natural resources, as well as the fight against climate change in Montenegro.