Seminar about ESG principles in corporate business and decarbonization at the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro

Today, the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy UDG, AvantGarde Group and E3 Consulting organized a Seminar on ESG principles in corporate business and decarbonization.

On behalf of the Center, the director, Ivana Vojinović, welcomed the attendees, who pointed out the importance of implementing ESG principles and decarbonization in Montenegro.

Other speakers and lecturers at the Seminar were:

  • Nikola Vujovic, vice president of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro
  • Milica Daković, MSc, director of E3 Consulting
  • Dr. Rastislav Vrbensky, CEO of AvantGarde Group
  • Mariana Olshanskaya
  • Aleksandra Novikova
  • Julia Massey
  • Gabor Szarvas

The topics of the seminar were:

  • Introduction to decarbonization
  • Decarbonization: Industry and tourism
  • Decarbonization of the banking sector and financing of decarbonization

At the seminar, several key points and challenges faced by Montenegro and Europe were highlighted, such as incorporating ESG standards into the business framework and making investment decisions, social and financial benefits from the implementation of ESG standards, carbon neutrality, carbon footprint, energy efficiency and the introduction renewable energy sources, increasing competitiveness, access to “green” capital and investments, EU legal heritage…

The director of the Center, Ivana Vojinović, has spoken on the topic of adaptation to climate change in the program “Ecovision” on RTCG.

Climate change is a global problem and phenomenon, which requires a multilateral response, communication and coordination of all countries of the world, especially members of the United Nations, both developed and less developed and which need significant financial resources to prepare an adequate response to climate shocks and hazards, as well as climate episodes to come in the years and decades ahead.

Montenegro has not adopted the Strategy yet, that is, the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change. The issue of adaptation to climate change is not integrated into other sectoral policies.

Zero waste concept towards a climate-neutral Podgorica

The director of the UDG Center for Climate Change, Ivana Vojinovic, was a guest of “Budilnik” on TV E on the topic of the “Zero waste concept towards a climate-neutral Podgorica” project, which was supported by the capital.

There was also talk about Chapter 27 – environment and climate change, where a reminder was given that in the period 2021-2022. EC reports for Montenegro give Montenegro a rating of “limited compliance in Chapter 27”, which is not satisfactory for a country that, as recently as 2018, was the only one in the Western Balkans region that managed to meet the conditions for opening this complex chapter.

Dialogue to just transition in Montenegro

On behalf of the Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy UDG, director Ivana Vojinović, presented our Center and the project “Dialogue to a just energy transition in Montenegro”, which is supported by the Ministry of Capital Investments, and all as part of the “Dialogue for Just Transition” conference in Montenegro”. The conference is organized by: Government of Montenegro (National Council for Sustainable Development) and UNDP with the support of the Slovak Ministry of Finance and Slovak Aid, the Slovak Agency for International Development and Cooperation.

Photo from conference; Ivana Vojinović

The conference took place on February 28 and March 1, and was opened by:

  • Mr. Dritan Abazović, Prime Minister and Chairman of the National Council for Sustainable Development
  • mrs. Daniela Gašparikova, permanent representative of UNDP in Montenegro
  • Mr. Ynge Engstroem, head of the Cooperation Sector of the EU Delegation in Montenegro
  • Mr. Rajko Kovačević – President of the Municipality of Pljevlja

The term “just transition” implies the gradual elimination of the use of coal in a way that is as fair and inclusive as possible, creating opportunities for decent work and leaving no one behind, which is known today in Europe under the slogan “Leaving no one behind”.