Mobilizing Youth for Sustainable Textiles in Montenegro

🟢 “Youth for Sustainable and Circular Textiles” is the first project in Montenegro addressing the issue of textile waste management👚, targeting young people👧🏻 who are the biggest consumers of textiles👖 and environmental polluters from this source.

🟡 The project “Youth for Sustainable and Circular Textiles” is supported within the Regional Program on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 – ReLOaD2, financed by the European Union🇪🇺, and implemented by UNDP in partnership with local governments.

Climate Change in the Balkans

🟢 Dr. Ivana Vojinović, the Director of the Center for Climate Change at UDG, delivered a lecture on the topic “Climate Change and Its Impact on the Western Balkan Countries”🔥☄️🌧️ as part of the Annual Alumni beeEFB 🐝 2024 event organized by the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB).

Climate education for climate-resilient Montenegro

📺 Appearing on the Morning Program of RTV Nikšić “Our Morning”⏰, Dr. Ivana Vojinovic, the director of the Center for Climate Change at UDG, presented the project “Climate Education for Climate-Resilient Montenegro,” which has received support from the Environmental Protection Fund❗️

Dr. Ivana Vojinović presented the project “Research on the attitudes and perceptions of the citizens of Pljevlja regarding a just energy transition,” which has received support from the Ministry of Energy and Mining❗️

Research on the Attitudes and Perceptions of the Citizens of Pljevlja Regarding a Just Energy Transition

🟢 “Research on the Attitudes and Perceptions of the Citizens of Pljevlja Regarding a Just Energy Transition” will provide decision-makers with the views and thoughts of the citizens of Pljevlja 👧🏻👦🏻 on the topic of energy transition, its impact on their lives, consequences, and opportunities that this process offers. 🌿🌳

🟡 The project “Research on the Attitudes and Perceptions of the Citizens of Pljevlja Regarding a Just Energy Transition” is supported by the Ministry of Energy and Mining.